Bless Minnesota is partnering with Transform Our World to establish 1 Million Ekklesias, or expressions of the church, beginning in the home. Ekklesia is the Greek word translated “church” in the Bible, but it’s not the building, it’s the people!
In Matthew 18:20 Jesus said that “Wherever two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”
While both our state and nation continue to experience an unprecedented level of uncertainty, fear, violence and concern for the future, there are tangible steps that you can take right now to help make a positive change.
1. Realize that you are the church and that God desires to use you right where you’re at, beginning in your home, whatever that looks like for you.
2. Dedicate your home as an Ekklesia, a tangible expression of the church, where two or three or more gather daily in Jesus’ name. Open the front door and say, “Jesus, I (or we) invite your love, presence and power to invade this space and become the center of everything we say and do.” Consider even taking a step beyond by dedicating all your doors, TVs, computers and phones as pathways of blessing.
3. Adopt your neighbors in prayer. When you begin with prayer, the Holy Spirit will lead you to action. Activate the authority you have in Jesus to bless instead of curse… to build meaningful relationships instead of isolating… to respond to the “felt needs” of others, knowing that in the process God will open the door for you to also minister to their “deeper needs.” It’s when we do these things first that hearts are softened and people are receptive to the Good News of Jesus Christ, the message of salvation and new life in him.
To be counted as part of the 1 Million Ekklesias go to Facebook: Ekklesia Everywhere and register your home as an Ekklesia. Doing so will be your way of saying “I’m all in!” and will help us mark the progress of this shared national goal. The information you share will not be shared with others or used for any form of solicitation.
This 1 Million Ekklesias initiative is about claiming the presence and power of Jesus to change the spiritual climate in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, state and nation… and every one of us who “names the name of Jesus” is being asked to join this movement and together make a difference. Thank you and God bless you!